
Methodology Mission 3

In this mission I have learned the history of journalism the different types of journalism there are. I have learned that with the development of the internet we have new modalities of communication possible and have also learned how to use new tools that I have not used before such as the StoryMap Js and Storyline Js, I have also improved my researching skills. I have also learned many useful things about what it takes to film and edit a video.          I am disappointed in the outcome of this project as we have not been able upload it to moodle due to an issue we had faced while editing which would not allow us to finish and upload our video to moodle, I feel that I have learned from this mistake as in the future I will make sure to use my time more efficiently while working on a project.

Methodology Mission 2

We dedicated a day to meet on campus to work on filming all the scenes for our video and making our StoryMap, it is a free tool that helps you tell stories on the internet that highlight the locations of a series of events. We first gathered all the information on Jack The Ripper and written down details about each one of his murders from start to finish, after we had all the information such as the names of the women killed, dates and times we started building our very own storymap, it included each murder that took place one by one.            Once we had the Storymap completed we dedicated the rest of the day towards filming the video, we thought it would be best if we filmed everything on campus. Thanks to Keith we had all the equipment we needed to record sound and film each scene.             We found it surprising how long it took to film a 5 minute video, we faced difficulties such as finding empty areas on campu...

Methodology Mission 1

For the methodology mission I grouped up with two of my other classmates Keith and Mia, we formed our group because we were all interested in working on digital journalism, we felt that this was the appropriate topic for us as it was the most understandable one to us and we felt that it will be the most interesting topic to do out of all the ones that were offered to us. We were excited to do this project because the output had to be a video.            We read the description of what is expected of us for this mission and read over the tools that we could use to complete this mission. The goals for our mission was for us to learn the history between journalism and media technologies, how the internet has made it possible for us to communicated in new ways and how digital tools make it possible for us to do new kinds of research possible.             After we settled on what the goals for our mission are going to be we d...

Culture Mission 3

I feel that I have learnt a lot while completing this mission, it allowed me to learn more about the hashtag and how it can be used to draw attention, to organize or to promote a certain movement. I learned that a lot of popular and successful movements grew popular and gained attention thanks to the use of the hashtag and activism. This mission has also helped me in becoming aware that there are certain tools that can be used to archive hashtags on social media and I learned how to use them.              I am happy with how our presentation came out and I feel that we have reached our goals for this mission.

Culture Mission 2

We found the time during the week to all meet up and discuss how to further work on our project, we have already studied the history of the hashtag and read other peoples articles on activism, we knew by this time how we wanted to proceed, we just had to decide which hashtag each person wanted to explore. It took us some time to search for what each one of us was interested in doing but after a while we all found something we found interest in.              Sean decided that he wanted to study the Me Too hashtag which is one of the most successful and popular hashtags on social media, it is a social media movement against sexual violence and sexual assault that advocates for females that have survived sexual violence in the past and encourage them to speak out, many celebrities have spoken out about their experience.             After a lot of searching, I decided I wanted to settle on The Black Lives Matter movemen...

Culture Mission 1

For the culture mission, we had a lot of options to pick from, I read over each one and the only one that stood out to me was the activism and agency one, I thought it would be interesting to research the power of hashtags as it can be used to help peoples voices be heard who wouldn't have the opportunity otherwise. I grouped up with two other guys in my group as both of them were also interested in the same topic.                 First thing we decided to do was to read through the goals for the mission and read through the suggested articles on activism provided to us on moodle, we found a lot of the articles interesting and helpful in completing our mission. we had to figure out what our goals for this mission were going to be, we came to the conclusion that we wanted all of us to learn the history of activism before and after social media, study successful hashtags and learn how to use one of tools on moodle.        ...

Creativity Blog 3

I reflected on the creativity mission and I feel that I have learned a lot from it, this mission has pushed me to learn a few new skills such as how to work in a group, how to successfully search for information on the internet, helped me to further develop my Power point skills and helped me get out of my comfort zone, and most importantly I learned how to create my own Gif, something I would have never learn otherwise.                  I feel satisfied with the outcome of this mission as this was our first presentation and I feel that it was a good starting point for the next upcoming projects. I hope to learn more as time goes on with the upcoming projects.