Culture Mission 1

For the culture mission, we had a lot of options to pick from, I read over each one and the only one that stood out to me was the activism and agency one, I thought it would be interesting to research the power of hashtags as it can be used to help peoples voices be heard who wouldn't have the opportunity otherwise. I grouped up with two other guys in my group as both of them were also interested in the same topic.

                First thing we decided to do was to read through the goals for the mission and read through the suggested articles on activism provided to us on moodle, we found a lot of the articles interesting and helpful in completing our mission. we had to figure out what our goals for this mission were going to be, we came to the conclusion that we wanted all of us to learn the history of activism before and after social media, study successful hashtags and learn how to use one of tools on moodle. 

               We decided that if each of us was given a task for this mission, we could combine all our work together at the end and that way all members would participate and learn from the mission. Each member of our group had a different hashtag to investigate and learn about, while also incorporating the tools given to us on moodle.

               For our end product we hoped to produce an informed presentation in which each member had a few slides to talk about and we also wanted our presentation to show people how they can use tools such as TAGS or NodeXL.

              We found many resources that helped us along the way, there were many articles online on activism and the many successful hashtags such as the jackobinmag or The Guardian. Also social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter came in helpful, we used Instagram and Twitter to find trending hashtags to see what people had to say about them.


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