Creativity Mission Blog 1
The Art of The Animated Gif
For the creativity project, I grouped up with two other girls in my class, Claire and Wiktoria. We formed a group together as all 3 of us were interested in this particular topic and wanted to learn more about it. We started off by brainstorming and trying to figure out what we wanted our end product to look like. We decided that meeting up in person to try and work on it together would be our best bet.
On Tuesday morning all three of us met up in our free Mac lab alongside some of our other classmates and started brainstorming on our project idea. As a group we had to sit down and figure out what we would like our end project to include and thats when we began reading through the resources that were given to us on Moodle, which we found very helpful in guiding us through this mission.We knew that it was necessary for us to include the history of the Gif and how it was designed, how they became so popular, the culture and have each of us make our own Gif. Our goal for this mission was for all three of us to create a working Gif of anything we wanted and then present them to the class.
We came to the conclusion that the first thing we should research is the history of the Gif and how it was created in the first place. We learned a lot of new interesting information on the creator of the Gif, Steve Wilhite and we all found it fascinating that the first Gif ever was created in June 1987.
We studied other information and facts about the Gif such as the the legal status of using the Gif and if it was considered copyright to make a Gif from a movie scene, how Gifs are used differently across all different social media sites such a Facebook or Twitter, and how Gifs grew to be so popular again. After we felt like we had gathered enough information about this topic, we moved on to the next part of the mission which was creating the Powerpoint including all the information necessary.
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